This program’s goal is to introduce learners to a variety of power and hand tools widely used in the construction industry. Topics will include identifying different kinds of tools, safety procedures, and imperatives for each tool, and PPE required for various tools.

This course is a general elective course that can help fulfill the requirement for an individual applying for a Site Safety Training Card. This is an awareness level training only and does not provide any other qualification or authorization outside of the Site Safety Training Card.

Course fee does not include the cost of an SST Card.

Course Pricing

  • $39 for 1

Course Length

1 Hour


This bundle offers four NYC Department of Buildings-Approved SST courses including 16 hours of training that can be applied towards the renewal requirements of a Supervisor Site Safety Training (SST) Card.
  • 8-Hour Fall Prevention
  • 4-Hour Supported Scaffold User (SST Credit Only)*
  • 2-Hour Tool Box Talks
  • 2-Hour Pre-Task Safety Meeting

*Can NOT be used towards the issuance of a Scaffold Card.

THESE ARE AWARENESS-LEVEL TRAININGS ONLY and do not provide any other qualification or authorization outside of the Site Safety Training Card.

The course fee does not include the cost of issuing the identification card or site safety training card as applicable.

Course Pricing

  • $400 for

Course Length

16 Hours



Este paquete ofrece cuatro cursos de capacitación en seguridad del sitio (SST) aprobados por el NYC Department of Buildings, que incluyen 2 horas de capacitación general y 2 horas de capacitación optativa especializada. Esta capacitación puede aplicarse para cumplir con los requisitos de una tarjeta SST o Supervisor SST.

Electivas Generales (Código DOB)

  • 1H. Primeros Auxilios y RCP (SST-104)
  • 1H. Protección Contra la Exposición al Sol (SST-108)

Electivas Especializadas (Código DOB)

  • 1H. Concientización Sobre el Asbesto y el Plomo (SST-201)
  • 1H. Banderero (SST-208)

El costo del curso no incluye el costo de emisión de la tarjeta de identificación o tarjeta de capacitación en seguridad del sitio según corresponda.

Course Pricing

  • $125 for 1

Course Length

4 Hours



This bundle offers two NYC Department of Buildings-Approved SST courses including 16 hours of training that can be applied towards the renewal requirements of a Supervisor Site Safety Training (SST) Card.

  • 8-Hour Fall Prevention
  • 8-Hour SSM Refresher

The course fee does not include the cost of issuing the identification card or site safety training card as applicable.

Course Pricing

  • $400 for

Course Length

16 Hours



This bundle offers four NYC Department of Buildings-Approved SST courses including 16 hours of training that can be applied towards the renewal requirements of a Supervisor Site Safety Training (SST) Card.

  • 8-Hour SSM Refresher
  • 4-Hour Fall Prevention
  • 2-Hour Tool Box Talks
  • 2-Hour Pre-Task Safety Meeting

The course fee does not include the cost of issuing the identification card or site safety training card as applicable.

Course Pricing

  • $400 for

Course Length

16 Hours



Nuestro paquete de cursos de SST de 10 horas incluye 2 horas de Concientización sobre drogas y alcohol y Prevención de caídas de 8 horas, ahora en español. Este paquete se puede utilizar para completar su Requisito de capacitación de SST (trabajador) de 40 horas.

El costo de este paquete no incluye el costo de solicitar una tarjeta SST.


  • ESP-SST-302 2-Horas de conocimiento de drogas y alcohol
  • ESP-SST-307 8-Horas de prevencion de caidas

El costo del curso no incluye el costo de emisión de la tarjeta de identificación o tarjeta de capacitación en seguridad del sitio según corresponda.

Course Pricing

  • $200 for 1

Course Length

10 Hours



The goal of this training is to increase awareness for workers, especially those in the construction industry, on best workplace practices to protect themselves from coronavirus (COVID-19) and the spread of other infectious diseases. After taking this course, you will be able to explain what COVID-19 and other infectious diseases are, identify their symptoms, summarize how they spread, and define key concepts like social distancing and hierarchy of controls. Through understanding this, you will be better prepared to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases and to inform others on how to do the same. 

Course Pricing

  • $30 for 1

Course Length

1 Hour


English, Spanish

El objetivo del programa es abordar el abuso de sustancias y alcohol y se enfoca particularmente en educar a los trabajadores sobre los riesgos de seguridad y productividad creados por el abuso del alcohol y otras drogas en el lugar de trabajo.

Este plan de estudios aprobado por el Departamento de Edificios de Nueva York es un curso prescrito (obligatorio) que cumple con uno de los requisitos para una persona que solicita una Tarjeta de Capacitación en Seguridad del Sitio (SST).

El costo del curso no incluye el costo de emisión de la tarjeta de identificación o tarjeta de capacitación en seguridad del sitio según corresponda.

Course Pricing

  • $49 for 1

Course Length

2 Hours



This program’s goal is to increase knowledge about COVID-19 and other infectious diseases with an eye towards establishing best practices for the construction industry. Students will learn how to recognize symptoms of COVID-19 and other diseases, plan measures to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 on construction sites, and properly implement PPE, signage, social distancing, and other programs to fight communicable disease.

Course Pricing

  • $49 for 1

Course Length

2 Hours



This bundle offers 12 NYC Department of Buildings-Approved SST courses including 30 hours of required training that can be applied towards the requirements of a Worker Site Safety Training (SST) Card.

The course fee does not include the cost of issuing the identification card or site safety training card as applicable.

Course Pricing

  • $530.00 for

Course Length

30 Hours

